Usage of all Oakland University systems, services and networks is governed by official OU IT and Security Policies. By accessing these resources you agree to use all information technology resources responsibly and comply with University Policies and Guidelines .

Your Oakland University NetID is only for current students, faculty, and staff of Oakland University and is used to access email, file storage, and network communications.

Please review the Google Service Level Agreement . Beyond the Google core suite of apps (Email, Calendar, Talk, Drive, and Contacts), Oakland University may enable additional Google services. These additional Google services fall outside the Google Apps for Education agreement between Oakland University and Google. Therefore, in order to use these additional services, you must agree to separate terms of service and privacy policies. Please be aware that Oakland University did not negotiate this privacy policy and you should review any policies carefully before accepting.

In order to use all University services you need a NetID account. If you do not have one, click the continue button to create one.
